Winners of Bothwell Scarecrow Festival

We are delighted to announce that Bothwell Castle won first prize at the Bothwell Scare Crow Festival, for our mad hatter’s tea party scene. We received a hamper full of goodies for our residents to enjoy, and a trophy which we are displaying in the front foyer.
Bothwell Castle was a gold sponsor of the event and our residents, staff, family members and sister care homes enjoyed taking part and preparing a fantastic scarecrow scene to reinvent the Mad Hatters Tea Party from Alice in Wonderland.
The event provided community spirit, engagement and a sense of inclusion for our residents and staff. On the 17th of September, we saw the grand parade through Bothwell and our residents, families and staff took part in the parade.

The residents, staff, family members and visitors from our sister care homes later enjoyed a mad hatters tea party within Bothwell Castle Care Home in Uddingston with live entertainment from Charlie Gorman. All the residents were dressed up in their best attire, some wearing made hatter-themed fascinators.
There was a buzz in the air and the home's atmosphere was just sensational. Residents and their loved ones spent time with one another and some relatives got to know our staff better.

It's always wonderful to see everyone get together under one roof, which highlights just how much of a close-knit community we are. All in all, the day was a huge success with smiles on everyone's faces, and we can't wait to do it all over again next year.