Residents Having Physiotherapy

Staying Active at Bothwell Castle Care Home

Physiotherapy is one of the many, many activities held here at Bothwell Castle Care Home; offering an abundance of health benefits, it’s easy to see why our fortnightly sessions are a firm favourite with our residents. 

As we age, the process typically includes a variety of niggling aches and pains felt throughout the body. During the ageing process, our body goes through a series of natural changes such as, reduced muscle strength and bone density as well as stiff joints and ligaments. These changes have been known to affect balance and increase the likelihood of falls and accidents. Our experience shows us that attendance to regular Physiotherapy and Exercise sessions holds many benefits for all resident types, including improving strength, flexibility and balance.

Gentle Physiotherapy & Exercises

Every other Friday, residents come together to partake in gentle chair based exercises. Research shows that gentle exercises for the elderly can help to strengthen muscles and bones; stronger muscles make everyday activities such as washing, dressing or playing with grandchildren less of a strain. From Arthritis to Low Back Pain, there are a multitude of health problems that this type of exercise can help with. Care of the elderly involves a series of preventive and intervention measures to offer protection and improve quality of life. Here at Bothwell Castle Care Home, our staff strive to provide residents with a fulfilled life, and we understand how Physiotherapy plays a big role in that and allows residents to be able to lead a more independent life.

Each session is run and led by Senior Chartered Physiotherapist Kim Good, whose passion and experience ensures all those who partake have a great time and leave feel rejuvenated and ready to take on the day.

When: Every other Friday

Where: Lairdsgate Lounge, Bothwell Castle Care Home

Time: 10:20am - 10:50am

Where: Earlsgate Lounge, Bothwell Castle Care Home

Time: 11am - 11:30am

If you’re looking for a home for yourself or a loved one, Bothwell Castle Care Home offers unrivalled levels of care and a daily lifestyle where all residents thrive. Should you have any questions regarding our wonderful home or extensive facilities, please do not hesitate to get in touch to find out more, book a tour or meet our wonderful team.

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